Toyin 22nd May 2020

The passing away of Uncle Segun due to coronavirus complications has deeply saddened me. Dr George was an exemplary man and physician who treated people with great respect, making them feel valued and special, irrespective of who they are. He always left an indelible impression on those who came across him. Uncle Segun was an honourable and courteous man to the core; he was devoted to his family and friends, a staunch Xian and a conscientious doctor. His love and passion for humanity were enshrined in his interactions and practice; he was humble and most respectful. I weep for his family for their traumatic and irreplaceable loss; I weep for those who knew Dr George for they have lost a uniquely beautiful soul and I weep for the community for their loss is unimaginable. Dr George’s practice wasn’t set up for financial gain but to heal the sick – he availed himself to everyone and was arguably one of the best physicians in the country. Rest in peace dear Uncle; you have left a void no one can fill. May God give his family and those who knew Dr George, peace, comfort and strength for his is a very painful loss. Toyin McEwen.